Augmented Reality App

A man wearing a HoloLens 2 augmented reality headset and facing away from the camera


Note: In compliance with my non-disclosure agreements, I have omitted confidential information about this project.


The study evaluated the safety, ergonomics, usability, effectiveness, efficiency, acceptability, and desirability of a prototype of an augmented reality (AR) app on Microsoft HoloLens 2 designed to improve a specific workflow used by retail employees.


3-phase study:

Phase A (initial evaluations)

  • Heuristic analysis based on Nielsen usability heuristics, human factors/ergonomics heuristics, AR heuristics, and Microsoft safety tips

  • Social comfort test in the actual retail setting to evaluate acceptability and customer reactions as well as social comfort for the user

Phase B (evaluations in mock setting)

  • Usability tests focused on task completion, first with 11 lay users from the client’s “friends and family” network in a mock setting, then with 15 actual retail employees in a mock setting

  • Post-test interviews

Phase C (evaluations in actual environment)

  • Usability tests focused on task completion, including time trial comparisons to current workflow, with actual retail employees in the actual environment

  • Post-test interviews

Between each test, the client’s design and engineering teams refined the app.

My Role

  • Conducted all evaluations in each phase

  • Wrote the participant selection criteria

  • Wrote the protocols and materials (e.g. session guides, scripts, questions)

  • Moderated the sessions with users

  • Took notes and video-recorded sessions

  • Analyzed and organized the data

  • Created reports, including results and recommendations

  • Presented results to the client and stakeholders

I collaborated with the client’s design, engineering, and project management teams, a research assistant who provided recording support and edited videos, and a retail location and its associated individuals to coordinate testing.


Findings from Phases A and B provided guidance for further work on the app to prove the product’s potential to improve the target workflow. Results from Phase C provided data to executive leadership teams in the client’s parent corporation and served as the basis for go/no-go decisions for the project going forward.